Travel by taxi from Grenoble to Geneva

Do you need to travel from Grenoble to Geneva? Are you looking to book a long-distance taxi service? Booking a taxi has never been easier with our Grenoble taxi company! As real experts in the Rhône Alpes Auvergne region, our drivers offer you certified taxis taking you to the destination of your choice.


There is a lot of competition with many transport services now available: private taxi firms, private chauffeurs, online taxi firms, etc. Our company is a specialist and offers various types of travel over a range of distances. We are certified to carry packages, and also seated patients for medical purposes. If you make a request when booking at least 24 hours in advance, we are also able to provide baby seats and child seats. All of our vehicles are Mercedes offering the optimal level of comfort and quality during your trip. For business trips or tourist travel, we also have WiFi internet connectivity aboard all our vehicles.


Making a taxi booking has never been so easy as with us. You can begin by requesting a quote for your journey online to compare your taxi quotes. Then, simply call us to book your taxi in Grenoble. It is advisable to contact us to make a booking one day in advance for long- and medium-distance journeys. By consulting our price list, you can view all destinations to which we travel. Use a genuine local taxi firm guaranteeing a personalised welcome, punctuality and an attentive personal transportation service, that's the Taxis Marillet promise. Taking a taxi with confidence has never been so simple with our Grenoble tax service!